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Writer's pictureLaura Saetveit Miles

Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Younger Researcher 2020

Updated: May 20, 2021

On Monday 8 March 2021, the birthday of Lauritz Meltzer (d. 1943), the Meltzer Fund awarded two prizes for outstanding younger researchers under the age of 40 currently working at the University of Bergen. I was honored to receive one of the awards, which is the top prize of its kind at UiB and comes with 150 000 kr (approx $17,600, taxfree).

The award is for "fremragende vitenskapelig arbeid, selvstendighet og evne til nyskaping" (outstanding scientific work, independence and ability to innovate) and places emphasis on "nyere forskningsbidrag, fortrinnsvis slike som er publisert eller bedømt det foregående år, eller som i det foregående år har fått særlig vitenskapelig anerkjennelse" (recent research contributions, preferably those that have been published or assessed in the previous year, or that have received particular scientific recognition in the previous year).

Here is an overview of my scholarship emphasized by the prize, written by nominator Professor of medieval Latin Aidan Conti.

Read more about the Meltzer awards 2020 and part of a short interview with me on På Høyden, as well as an announcement in

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